Youth Ballet of Saskatchewan


Eddy Alvaro

Eddy Alvaro, Youth Ballet Saskatchewan
Hip Hop, Street Dance, Freestyle, Hip Hop Foundations, Breakin Foundations, Street Jazz

Dancing almost his whole life, Eddy is a self-taught hip-hop/street dancer with a huge love for all forms of dance.

He is a big believer in meshing all styles in dance to gain the best growth. In his high-school career, he and some friends, started a bboy/breakdance crew and has travelled and performed at cheerleading competitions, basketball half-time shows, grand openings, and other special events.

As he got older, Eddy became a dance instructor at a few studios in and around Regina for a handful of years. Eddy continues to raise his profile in the dance community in Saskatchewan with the VibesYQR Dance Workshops and is still working on collaborations and performances for different events across the province.

Ready for Company?

Find your artist's voice. Make your commitment to excellence and innovation in dance. Contact the artistic director for audition details.

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