Youth Ballet of Saskatchewan


Kathryn Ricketts

Instructor, Choreographer
Kathryn Ricketts, Youth Ballet Saskatchewan
Modern, Choreography

Kathryn’s technique classes develop strength, musicality and clarity in physical intentions.

Most importantly these classes foster ways to find joy in movement and to balance this with the challenge of constantly growing and improving at an individual pace.

Her choreographic approach is based on years of company work as a dancer and later as a choreographer under the term of ‘devised choreography’. This entails generating material from the dancers through thematic prompts and then collectively shaping and crafting it into a cohesive dance. This approach enables the dancers to exercise their own artistic voices and at the same time build their skills and sensibility to think of themselves as both dancers and dance makers.

Ready for Company?

Find your artist's voice. Make your commitment to excellence and innovation in dance. Contact the artistic director for audition details.

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