Youth Ballet of Saskatchewan


Tanisha Sarty

Tanisha Sarty, Youth Ballet Saskatchewan
Ballet, Pre-Ballet, Jazz, Pointe
RAD exams up to Advanced 2

I began dancing at Youth Ballet when I was three years old, training in ballet, pointe, jazz, modern and voice work. During my time as a student, I completed my RAD exams up to Advanced 2.

I was a member of the Youth Ballet Company for 5 years, where I had opportunities to perform around Saskatchewan at many events such as Telemiracle and the daCi Canada Conference. At 16 years old I became an assistant dance teacher and discovered my love for teaching.

I have been able to participate in several dance workshops across Canada, including summer programs at the School of Alberta Ballet and Ballet Jörgen. In 2017, I studied dance at Ryerson University in Toronto. Returning home to Regina, I also returned to Youth Ballet to continue my dance career as a teacher.

I am currently a Kinesiology student at the University of Regina, majoring in human kinetics.

Ready for Company?

Find your artist's voice. Make your commitment to excellence and innovation in dance. Contact the artistic director for audition details.

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